Luke & Noah's Story - ATWT Part 369
Wowz. Noah's been working out. Look at them pecs. Yummmmieee. Luke's hair has grown. I haven't watched ATWT for a long while. I like Noah's haircut. Methinks. Really, a meeting with Jude Law? Is he guest starring???hehehe
I miss you Noah. (Justin lookalike...) J'taime.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I just saw the latest issue of DNA Magazine issue #116 on the newstands!!! And boy will this be a sellout. My gawd, look at the bulge in that cover?!?!!!!
Better get myself a copy of this issue pronto. :D
I lied again. I have to stop this at work.
Em was nice enough to defend me amongst those that are asking behind my back.
"Is he gay?" Em totally denied it for me. She told me someone was asking yesterday. Then she went on, "Man...if you are gay, I would be soooo embarassed."
How do you reply to that. Sheesh. :(
Em was nice enough to defend me amongst those that are asking behind my back.
"Is he gay?" Em totally denied it for me. She told me someone was asking yesterday. Then she went on, "Man...if you are gay, I would be soooo embarassed."
How do you reply to that. Sheesh. :(
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New copy of Out Magazine with Lady Gaga on the cover landed on our doorstep this arvo.
Something is oddly different about this issue. I believe the front cover's fonts has reverted back to it's original roots. The paper stock looks different? And the inside looks re-designed again. Hmmmmm... They should just stop!
I still have to peruse through it and read all the articles, but two things have dawned on me as I flick through the pages...
I don't own a damned item from DKNY or DSquared. lolz

He is gorgeous!!! I just want to draw him. He's like the perfect yaoi model for Shisedo. Damn, look at them eyes. The Lord has been very good to you!!!
O M G!!!
Kegan Sean Gordon, if you are in and around the terminal, please come and see me. Thank you!

Monday, August 10, 2009
Something strange happened this morning which I couldn't understand.
I was taking a nap in the car and my mind was going everywhere. Basically just worries and the sort. Nothing sexual at all.
And yet, I was getting hard. I couldn't understand it. It's like my cock had a mind of it's own. Coz' I wasn't at all thinking anything of the sort???
I was taking a nap in the car and my mind was going everywhere. Basically just worries and the sort. Nothing sexual at all.
And yet, I was getting hard. I couldn't understand it. It's like my cock had a mind of it's own. Coz' I wasn't at all thinking anything of the sort???
Friday, August 7, 2009

There is something about this hawt daddy that's just doing it for me. My fantasy would definitely involve an office and him being my boss. Yuummmm!!! Love pink nipples!!! Lurve them!!!

The show is genius!!!
You see 3 very important men who's been rich and has been served all their lives finally shed everything back to what us normal folks strive for everyday.
I laughed at the moments when they look like stark idiots doing what seems natural to us. Like turning on the stove (and Prince Africa almost shocking himself) and then 3 grown men spending an hour in the corner shop just looking for stuff to eat.hahaha
My favourite it Prince Remmy (Remigius) from Aristocratic Sri Lanka who just has a really nice attitude about himself. He's just uber friendly and genuine and says 'That's nice!' all the time. (which has started to annoy me) Dude needs to get out of his polos and relax more with his clothes. But his a cool dude and someone who seems to have quickly embraced his new position in life. (for the show) From Prince to pauper who works in a cafe as a waited. Ingenious!!!
Prince Africa from South Africa has the most closed attitude since he has a very defined ideals of homosexuality. He's the best dressed though, even if he's almost always stark naked back in his homeland. (well that's what the show would like us to believe) I couldn't believe he bought a size 12 shoe even if he's a size 9. Apparently it's a status thing in Africa?! Wow.
Of course I'm rooting for Prince Manny (Manvendra) of India who has just recently come out of the closet and has been almost shunned out by his people. (I read about him once) He is the most conservative, probably the laziest (because of his upbringing) and totally the most out of fashion out of the three. I was appalled they gave him the housekeeping job as he was so dumbfounded and super slow. My mother works in housekeeping and she'd slap him silly if she encountered him cleaning one room for 2 hours. But I know that he is super nice and has real good intentions.
That's why I am utterly jealous of him. Because for someone who is probably NOT close to being the hottest guy in the world, he seems to have kissed more guys in the show than what I've ever done in my life. And to think we are both looking for the same things in life...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If only I had a FB account, I would so totally hook up with this guy.
"Ic wuensche ihnen einen guten flug" was what he taught me to say. "I wish you a good flight/journey!" (awwww so hawt!!!)
I accidentally sent his bags down and he was worried about his tootbrush. Cute.
Call me!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'm not so sure.
I was speaking to one of my best friends sister and we got unto the topic of my Blackberry. She adored it and I told her the whole sob story as to how I got my phone. I told her it had a scratch on the screen and I hated it. Then she brought up Paolo's name.
I met Paolo through our Youth Group when I was in my twenty's. I had an immediate crush on him because he was uber cute and tall and very very gentle. When I first met him he asked me what my name was and I was thrown. No one usually asks me that question anymore especially because I always seemed older than the other kids.
He stuck with the group for a while and there were many Sundays where I'd have to take him home because he didn't have a car. I was so smitten by him that I started noticing how much shops in Sydney had the name Paolo. (which is quite an odd name for an Australian. It was more Italian or Hispanic) But it was everywhere and it'd would remind me of him. If I didn't see it on the streets or the shops, I'd hear it as someone's name or I'd read it from a character in a book. (which was once again odd)
I was crazy over heals about him that I had started writing secret letters to him, pretending it was some random girl. He fell for it.
The only thing that irked me about Paolo was that intellect-wise, we were so not coherent with each other. I was uber advanced and next to me, he felt (and sounded) dumb. (and blondish)
He was super cute though.
One day, he just kinda pieced it all out and found out that my handwriting was very similar to the stalker that was writing to him. One everning, during our camps, he found me in the dark and started asking questions if I knew the girl and as to why my handwriting looked exactly like mine. I was red in the face. (luckily it was night and he didn't notice) I made a poor-ass excuse that I promised the girl that I wouldn't reveal her identity if we were ever found out. I think he believed me. (though there was also something that felt like he wished it was me and that I would just admit that I was the one stalking him. lolz)
I remember sometimes wanting to call him to ask some random question or ask him if he was attending choir practise and if he needed a lift. The sucker was a good conversationalist on the phone and I hated that because that meant that we were on the phone for like 10mins or more and I hate being on the phone for that long. I didn't want to give anything away. Deep inside though I was like every minute of it and you should've seen me. Often, before I picked up the phone to call him, I would take a deep breathe or I would play the conversation in my head over and over again.
It was a crazy period in my youth.
After that I kinda lost touch with Paolo as he became better friends with the other guys and hanged out with them. Then he got into Uni, left the group and joined another group where he met his girlfriend. I ran into him once in some random party where he introduced his girlfriend to me and that was it. He still sounded so stupid and I knew I did the right thing by attempting not to get in touch with him anymore.
When I lived in Japan, he found me through MySpace and he said that he was coming to the country. I wished him a good time but didn't entertain the thought of being his tour guide (even if I would've made a great tour guide.haha)
I think either last year or something, I caught an early train which he too was catching. He saw me and I pretended not to see him. When he walked further away, I noticed that he had that incling to say hi, but he didn't.
This time my friend told me to contact him if I wanted my phone fixed. I was adamant. But I did. I played the part of some friend of a friend who was just enquiring as to how I could get my phone fixed. He texted back three times asking me who I was.
It was kinda fun tugging him like that. He still sounds stupid, even on text messages. Some things don't change. Deep inside, a little girl urges me to keep going to the point where I could start flirting with him. But the better man in me tells me to stop after three. *damn*
I was speaking to one of my best friends sister and we got unto the topic of my Blackberry. She adored it and I told her the whole sob story as to how I got my phone. I told her it had a scratch on the screen and I hated it. Then she brought up Paolo's name.
I met Paolo through our Youth Group when I was in my twenty's. I had an immediate crush on him because he was uber cute and tall and very very gentle. When I first met him he asked me what my name was and I was thrown. No one usually asks me that question anymore especially because I always seemed older than the other kids.
He stuck with the group for a while and there were many Sundays where I'd have to take him home because he didn't have a car. I was so smitten by him that I started noticing how much shops in Sydney had the name Paolo. (which is quite an odd name for an Australian. It was more Italian or Hispanic) But it was everywhere and it'd would remind me of him. If I didn't see it on the streets or the shops, I'd hear it as someone's name or I'd read it from a character in a book. (which was once again odd)
I was crazy over heals about him that I had started writing secret letters to him, pretending it was some random girl. He fell for it.
The only thing that irked me about Paolo was that intellect-wise, we were so not coherent with each other. I was uber advanced and next to me, he felt (and sounded) dumb. (and blondish)
He was super cute though.
One day, he just kinda pieced it all out and found out that my handwriting was very similar to the stalker that was writing to him. One everning, during our camps, he found me in the dark and started asking questions if I knew the girl and as to why my handwriting looked exactly like mine. I was red in the face. (luckily it was night and he didn't notice) I made a poor-ass excuse that I promised the girl that I wouldn't reveal her identity if we were ever found out. I think he believed me. (though there was also something that felt like he wished it was me and that I would just admit that I was the one stalking him. lolz)
I remember sometimes wanting to call him to ask some random question or ask him if he was attending choir practise and if he needed a lift. The sucker was a good conversationalist on the phone and I hated that because that meant that we were on the phone for like 10mins or more and I hate being on the phone for that long. I didn't want to give anything away. Deep inside though I was like every minute of it and you should've seen me. Often, before I picked up the phone to call him, I would take a deep breathe or I would play the conversation in my head over and over again.
It was a crazy period in my youth.
After that I kinda lost touch with Paolo as he became better friends with the other guys and hanged out with them. Then he got into Uni, left the group and joined another group where he met his girlfriend. I ran into him once in some random party where he introduced his girlfriend to me and that was it. He still sounded so stupid and I knew I did the right thing by attempting not to get in touch with him anymore.
When I lived in Japan, he found me through MySpace and he said that he was coming to the country. I wished him a good time but didn't entertain the thought of being his tour guide (even if I would've made a great tour guide.haha)
I think either last year or something, I caught an early train which he too was catching. He saw me and I pretended not to see him. When he walked further away, I noticed that he had that incling to say hi, but he didn't.
This time my friend told me to contact him if I wanted my phone fixed. I was adamant. But I did. I played the part of some friend of a friend who was just enquiring as to how I could get my phone fixed. He texted back three times asking me who I was.
It was kinda fun tugging him like that. He still sounds stupid, even on text messages. Some things don't change. Deep inside, a little girl urges me to keep going to the point where I could start flirting with him. But the better man in me tells me to stop after three. *damn*
Sunday, August 2, 2009

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