The show is genius!!!
You see 3 very important men who's been rich and has been served all their lives finally shed everything back to what us normal folks strive for everyday.
I laughed at the moments when they look like stark idiots doing what seems natural to us. Like turning on the stove (and Prince Africa almost shocking himself) and then 3 grown men spending an hour in the corner shop just looking for stuff to eat.hahaha
My favourite it Prince Remmy (Remigius) from Aristocratic Sri Lanka who just has a really nice attitude about himself. He's just uber friendly and genuine and says 'That's nice!' all the time. (which has started to annoy me) Dude needs to get out of his polos and relax more with his clothes. But his a cool dude and someone who seems to have quickly embraced his new position in life. (for the show) From Prince to pauper who works in a cafe as a waited. Ingenious!!!
Prince Africa from South Africa has the most closed attitude since he has a very defined ideals of homosexuality. He's the best dressed though, even if he's almost always stark naked back in his homeland. (well that's what the show would like us to believe) I couldn't believe he bought a size 12 shoe even if he's a size 9. Apparently it's a status thing in Africa?! Wow.
Of course I'm rooting for Prince Manny (Manvendra) of India who has just recently come out of the closet and has been almost shunned out by his people. (I read about him once) He is the most conservative, probably the laziest (because of his upbringing) and totally the most out of fashion out of the three. I was appalled they gave him the housekeeping job as he was so dumbfounded and super slow. My mother works in housekeeping and she'd slap him silly if she encountered him cleaning one room for 2 hours. But I know that he is super nice and has real good intentions.
That's why I am utterly jealous of him. Because for someone who is probably NOT close to being the hottest guy in the world, he seems to have kissed more guys in the show than what I've ever done in my life. And to think we are both looking for the same things in life...
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