Sunday, July 22, 2012

Can of Worms...

I seem to have opened a can of worms.

Let me explain.

I'm what my friends nicknamed me a 'Magatarian'. I'm obsessed with magazines!!! It started when I stepped into University and did my Graphic Design course...or curse.hehe I needed to do tonnes of image research and I wanted to be a Fashion Photographer (I was majoring in Photomedia/Photography at the time) and so started my piles and piles of magazine collection. From....

This has also started my gay magazine collection. From Out to Attitude to Tetu.

And I've always said I was going to blog everything I've read.

Well, I've just cleaned my room and I just found stacks of magazines still in the plastic bags. Out magazines dating back to 2010. Man I have a lot to catch up on.

Blogging starts today...

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