Monday, October 6, 2008

I've recently returned from holidays finding two issues of Out Mag delivered in our doorstep. So... I've been reading both issues on my 2 hour train rides in and out of work.

Luckily, I breezed through this issue and quite enjoyed reading a bit on Doogie Howser's Neil Patrick Harris for the September issue of Out. Great cover! He doesn't look like a manboy anymore and looks quite hot in this photoshoot. (more below) I'm not too sure about his dumb role in Harold & Kumar but heck. Can't wait to see him play gay in some indie movie one of these days.

Anywho, that's the not the reason for this blog. I just wanted to share my slow coming out story. Well anyways, I was in a real rush to go to work and since I've finished reading this issue, I left it on the sala table and rushed out.

Totally forgetting about it days later, Mum cleaned the house and lo and behold, I notice it sitting by it's lonesome on the table. And just like Neil Patrick was proud and out.

Me wonders if Mum paid attention to the mag and actually browsed through it? Me wonders if she knows or even has the faintest clue??? I hope so...

And speaking of's a few pics of him and his actor beau David Burtka that has surfaced the net quite recently. Fuck. Nice one Neil!!! If someone like that looky looky at me too, man I'd grab that thing! Gimme some of that anytime. Congrats!

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