One of my favourite Korean actors at the moment Jung Woo Sung. *crush*
I'm actually watching and drooling over him at the moment over his last year TV series Action KDrama Athena where he also plays as Jung Woo *duh, very creative guys* who works for South Korea's version of the FBI/CIA called NTS. His story follows his dedication to the company and it's goals while being torn at the same time for his feelings for Hae In who has a dark secret. He's really quite awesome here and I can't believe I've only found the DVDs in Cabra a few months ago? I having a few troubles here about his hair...which is great combed and gelled up. The whole fringe thing I get, just not happening that's all. It doesn't really all improve until about episode 10 which I am up to as to the date of this post. If you love the show 24, then you'd love this show. Ok ok, it doesn't quite hit the intensity of the action and dramas of 24, but it's getting there. You'll know Athena is highly budgeted with all the traveling they do around the world and some of the graphics and shots of great architecture they've produced in the show. And what's more, this is the only real KDrama show I've seen that has a billion hot Korean men jam packed in one show. (you'll know what I mean if you watch it.)
Back to the May 2011 issue of August Magazine...this is probably the only mag issue that I've read that has an English interview of him. (though I'm sure if I google it enough, I'm bound to run into more things!?) Once again, I don't think they did him much credit in terms of photography. It just didn't capture how dashing and handsome Jung Woo really is. In Athena, you can see how tall and handsome this guy is. And that body...phew!!! Uber hawt!!! Here, we have a few shots of him with really bad wispy hair. Yuk! The only shot I'll pass is when he was taking his shirt off and some nipple shot happening there. Hawt!!! But what was MOST intriguing for me about the interview was the last question they asked and his answer:
Ideally how would you like to retire?
JWS: If I sit on the beach with a bottle of wine and a cigar in my mouth without thinking of shooting a movie, it would mean that I have been in the industry far too long! But this would be the ideal retirement for me. I can also imagine myself being with some good friends and the people whom I love.
I maybe taking this waaaayyy out of context, but there's no marriage ideas there!? We gays still have a chance...hahaha
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