Watching the newest in gay TV Drama from Korea titled
Life is Beautiful. It's new and it's bold as it tackles gay love which was almost taboo in the country. Our protaganist is
Yang Byung Tae (pictured below) who is only coming to terms with his newfound sexuality.
I've only watched the first three episodes, but judging by the way his Mum is nagging/presussing him to finally find a girl to marry, man, I'd turn gay too.hehe
Watch this space...

There are other hot characters in the show. Like the uncle who's a manager of some huge spa hotel and the younger brother who helps run their hotel and diving business. I'd do all of them starting with the uncle.hehehe
PS. Full episodes with English subs can be watched on Veoh.com published by Himala123. Thanks Himala. Yer AWESOME!!!
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