Friday, March 20, 2009

What is the meaning of Love?

I'm all over the shop trying to figure this out.

If I was asked what I am like when I fall in love...I would say amorous, stalker-like and romantic.

I was reading a passage of the book "Eat Love Pray" and how she was when she falls in love...and... I am exactly like that.

What's weird is that when I AM in Love, I hear, read and stumble upon that person's name all the time. Like seriously!!! The weirdest one was when I was in this bad infatuation with a bloke I knew from our church group named Paolo. He was tall, charming and really cute, and Filipino. He kinda grew up here so his Tagalog was kinda bulol.haha But he was cute and at times after the meetings, he'd need me to drop him off. I think there was that sense of 'neediness' for me that kept that fire going, plus he was the one that introduced himself first. (the spark) Immediate crush material! I kept writing him love letters and dropping them off in his mailbox secretly. (stalker) At times, I'd make the odd phone call just to speak to him. (girl!) Then he killed it off by catching me one day and he asked begged me to tell him who was the 'secret admirer'. I think in the back of his head he always knew it was me.

But my point is, Paolo is quite an unusual name. But I saw it everywhere. It was the name of shops, tags in clothes, people in books and magazines. I never noticed how many Paolo's there were in this world until that time.

I saw Paolo a couple of days ago. He was looking at me at the station but I think he was shy to say hello. Me too. I haven't reached my goals yet and when I have, I am not ready to present myself to the world again.

I saw Justin yesterday. For a very long time (like weeks), this was our first encounter. It was only a minuscule of a second. But that single moment of time had the most tragic affect on me. Like a huge wave of tsunami just crashed all over me. I blushed, my heart raced, my knees went all wobbly, I couldn't speak properly, think straight (or gay for that matter) and I was all over the shop. And it wasn't even for a second...

So what's wrong with me?

It was his dazzling sky blue eyes.

Sure you can think that I am in love. But how can I be? When the guy hates my guts, I have not spent even an equation of a day with him and I don't know a thing about him and I'm old enough to be his uncle. (paedophile!)

Sure, girls can gush over their idols and singers and post up posters of them in their walls or wallpaper them in their phones and profess their undying love for them. But is this Love?

I believe this is admiration.

But could admiration cause sweats, red cheeks and weak knees or dyslexia? Or is this the true calling of "Love"?

I wish someone could enlighten me.

But then again...people have been known to cry over Elvis and Michael Jackson. (I'm not there yet...)

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