Michael Fassbender on GQ. Even with his pants on, I can see the big bulge. Yum!
Ha! That should get your/their attention.
That was what I was 'Googling' on the last minutes of the day (Jan 15th) after I happened upon an article from the
Modern Tonic blog about the new-ish movie (which Australia hasn't heard of before) '
Shame' starring (as on the topic of this entry) Michael Fassbender of course! Now is he that dude from X-Men? Me thinks so. Errm? And when is this movie going to hit our theatres???
Of course I didn't find any pics. (except of some clean ones above) Vulture e-mag seems to be all over it. And "How Gratuitous Is Michael Fassbender's Nudity in Shame?" It was kinda funny. This made me more and more curious. Now I really want to see this movie! *salivates* I wonder if
Dendy will ever feature it or am I supposed to wait 'til the Sydney Film Festival hits town?
Better feed the little piggy bank...So I haven't done anything
'gay' today (like that's something one does in his/her everyday life)...besides read an article/page from
Mate magazine Fall 2010 issue, which I leave in the toilet when I woke up and did my business. And some.
I'm also still feeling sexually frustrated. Of course.

It was raining for half of the day. *shame, it's so London-like here* and my original plan, after coming home from shopping, was to read the whole
Mate mag (Fall 2011 issue). Man the eyes of the guy in the cover needs some making love to. Pity he's not my type.hehehe At the same time, I wanted to watch the whole copy of Season 9 of
Family Guy, as background music, that I got at the markets in Manila. (so regretting not hitting any clubs in
Malate like the
O Bar or something...) That plan didn't concieve as I had to babysit and stuff...:( Speaking of Mate, man those Neds...errrr Dutch men really knows how to produce a great gay mag. *bravo/
I did happen upon the latest issue of French gay Magazine
Tetu (and by latest I mean October 2011)
avec ils 'Nouvelle Formule' at the newstands in Parramatta which truly surprised me. O-M-G!!! I've only seen (and hunted) for issues of this amazing mag selling either at Town Hall station or at Oxford St. My eyes nearly lit up, to my surprise, to find this in the Western Suburbs. A-Mah-Zing!!! I readily read it in the bathroom, after coming home, as I did my thing for the second time of the day.
What's wrong with my bowels today. Hey...get your mind off the gutter.I'm not too fussed about their new format though. Actually, I take that back. I love the new size of the mag. Finally, it fits in my mag box properly now. But the new designs still needs to grow on me. It feels very Elle magazine and seems too busy, the fonts are vying too much for my attention and I don't know if I like the lack of white space. I like my white space.
Donc Tetu, si vous lisez ceci, prend notes sil vous plait!!! Merci. I really need to catch up on my French though. I should really take the time to buy me a notebook, photocopy articles, stick it on the notebook and attempt to translate them. Nice. Oh and watch more French films on SBS or download more stuff. I am dying to read the article on the three guys who spoke about their 'First time with a man'. I think that'd be a good read.

There, I came upon a realisation that my fave French photographer
Francois Rousseau has released a new book called '
Wet Men.' The title alone has gotten me salivating like a wet dog. Definitely something to add to the
Wish-lust!!! I've googled some images for your delight. *not that anyone really reads my blog*haha

I also found out about the new-ish movie '
Beauty' by Oliver Hermanus and Chinese gay movie '
Permanent Residence' to add to the download list. The story of Beauty is quite interesting. It focuses on an aging man's desire to chase his hidden secret as he slowly falls infatuated with a younger very looking man. Enough to lead his life into a spinning wreck and transform into a horrid stalker. Whilst I'm interested to see all the skin in Permanent Residence, which is becoming more and more into a recipe and formulae in modern Chinese gay movies. Of course it narrates the story of the tragic love stories of gay men which is somewhat universal I suppose. Gander at the trailers kuds.
The later part of the evening was spent on the internet, just catching up with our big gay world.
I should really stop spending too much time on the net. Thanks
Manhunt Daily,
AKA William,
Tonic Potion and
For His Eyes Only, and of course
YouTube for providing some eye-popping entertainment for this evening.
Here's a few things I watched on
YouTube tonight:
Days of Our Lives - Part 61 - Will and EJI hate this show. Ok, 'hate' is such a hateful word. But really, I wouldn't be caught dead watching a whole episode of this show. (unless it's full on snowing blizzards outside the airport and we're stuck to watch this gawd-awful show). But but but...the story of Will is getting a little more interesting. If the youtubers are pointing to the right direction where Will could fall for super rich super stud EJ in a Sugah Daddy kinda-way, then I'm in for the ride.
Grey's Anatomy Gay Storyline 4x14A gay episode of Grey's Anatomy. I nearly cried. Plus the two actors are hot hot hot. Especially Todd. Sorry you lost your boyfriend. My shoulders are here (and everything else) if you need me buddy...
Santiago Tupper & Francisco Celhay (1) & (2)I have no idea how I ended up watching this Spanish
mini serie "Cumpleaños". I don't even know which country it originates from. (either Spain or somewhere in Latin America) But the boys are hawt, their smooching and now I'm very interested. Pity there's no English translation!? Lucky I understand some Spanish...
Matías Oviedo (2)Pedro y Lola - Su Historia Parte 9These next two are just some channels I clicked after the gay telenovela. And man am I surprised. How forward thinking of Spain to allow and show men's bubble butts on national TV without concern. I could get hooked on this.
Someone STOP ME!!!