I've finally finished watching the first Korean Drama with a gay theme
Life is Beautiful (인생은 아름다워 Insaengeun Areumdawo) and all it's 63 episodes. (even if it already finished early November last year) I tried very much to hold off in finishing it because I really love this show and most of it's characters and I learnt a great deal of Korean words and phrases from them (and wondered about the beautiful Jeju Island), but c'est la vie. They've moved on, and I need to do so too.
The last episode seemed like most last episodes. It was a wrap up of every story they've tried to share with us. And they wanted it to end on a good note, so they showed a lot of happy scenes from the couples. Even the corny-ish ending bike scene with the parents falling off. I guess this was their signature and they wanted to end it like so. (though I don't think hot Kyung Soo ever tripped over except that beach scene?)
Yes, my fave characters were Tae So Ba and Kyoong Soo of course and the hardships in their lives trying to protect their man love for each other. Their scenes brought the most tear jerkers including the last episode. My only wish was, I wish they really pushed it to their limit and showed the first ever gay male kiss on National Korean TV...but it wasn't so. Maybe, their constraints were already at it's limit???

I'd like to express my thanks to the special actors
Song Chang Ui (Yang Tae Sub) and
Lee Sang Woo (Kyung Soo) who took upon themselves this challenge to tell the story of many gay men who are struggling in both Korea and abroad to come to terms with their sexuality. You both made the story very believable and have touched my heart many times. Also to the producers of this wonderful show who dared to bring this story forth.
To the Mum, how we wish our mothers were as strong as you, to the kind-hearted father, to the beautiful Cho Rong and her voice, Mr Innocent Ho Sub, hot Kim Min Jae and everyone else...kamsahamnida!!! I will miss this show!!!
More power to Korean dramas in the future to come and it's exciting gay storylines...